New books!

Wow, we are really behind with blogging about our new books - so you'll just have to find out what arrived over the past couple of months for yourselves by digging around on the website!

This week (1st Feb 2023) we're excited about Bloodline: Daughter of Blade. We were expecting a sort of fairly light Buffy-like story, but it's better written than we expected, and the new character Whitney could be interesting (can't say why without spoilers, so we won't), depending on what direction they end up taking her.

We've got both the regular Cover A and the pretty bad-ass Stegman variant.

Bloodline Daughter of Blade issue one Stegman variant

We were also quite impressed by Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #1. Some have said that they thought it was slow moving, but we appreciated the build-up and solid development of interesting characters. Unfortunately we don't know enough about Silver Surfer lore to know if this is a first appearance or what it is (the synopsis says that it's a story 50 years in the making, so we assume this is a reappearance of an old character), but it's a good read regardless!

Silver Surfer Ghost Light


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